Everything You Need to Know About Flooring

4 Signs It Is Time To Refinish Your Hardwood Floors

Refinishing your hardwood floors will turn your old-looking hardwood floors into new creations again. It is a great way to restore your old floors and make them look like new again. If you have hardwood floors, it is essential to be aware of the signs that it is time to refinish your floors.

Get Rid of Big Scratches and Dents

First, if you have a lot of significant scratches and dents on your floor, then it is time to refinish your hardwood floor. As you live in your home for years, you will probably end up with minor dings, dents, and scratches over time. This is part of what happens when your floors get used over time. The truth is that this type of damage is often only surface deep; with a bit of sanding, all those wear marks can magically be wiped away.

Eliminate Cupping

Cupping occurs when the floors start to bend down on the edges, and the shape becomes more concave over time. Cupping often happens from water damage, generally due to humidity, not just spilling or leaking water. If you have cupping, you are going to want to get rid of it. One of the best ways to get rid of cupping is by sanding down the edges of your floorboards. This will get rid of these boards that not only don't look that great, but can be a hazard as well. 


When you walk on your wood floors, you should not experience any damage to your feet. If you are getting splinters when you are walking on your wood floors, it is time to fix them. If the wood is splinting, the only way you will enjoy a soft and safe surface again is by sanding down the wood and refinishing your floors. Doing this will get a like-new surface, and you will not have to endure pain to take a walk across the room.

Water Stains

Over time, water may get on your hardwood floors. Maybe water leaked out of your air conditioning system, or perhaps a pet had an accident, or water leaked out of your planter. When water gets on the floor, it can leave behind a water stain. Once the water stain is there, it can be impossible to remove it just by cleaning. You can get rid of the water stain by sanding down and refinishing the hardwood floors. 

If your floors have scratches, dents, splinters, water stains, or cupping, it is time to refinish your hardwood floors, which will help restore them to their formal glory and make them look like new. Contact a hardwood floor refinishing service to learn more.